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Lab trouble

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Guys n girls, I just took my lab out for his usual evening walk, went and did our usually walk with his blind retrieves, marked retrieves and some waterwork. Anyway after the water work, which he doesn't swim in as it's not deep enough he just kind of jumps all the way through it, he came back to me put the dummy at my feet sat down and began crying/whining I thought he must've hurt his paw or something. But he looked like he was going to pass out if that makes sense kind of looked like he was going to sleep sat up so I say with him for 10 minutes and he was fine again. Now he is the 6th lab I've had as a working dog and it's the first time that's ever happened. Any ideas, before I go to the vets with him.


Just on a side note his diet hasn't changed and he has been eating all his food and drinking plenty. He has been fine on every walk we have had this week so far but it kind of confused me as to what caused it or what the problem could be.





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hello paul, had a friend with a spaniel once and after a a hard day on a shoot it had the sleepy/drowsy thing but not whining etc. turned out its sugars were low. vet said to give it a sweet treat if it happened again. you have to be careful though mate as i think heart problems can have similar symptoms {not that im an axpert of course}. if in any real doubt take him to the vets to get his bloods checked etc. best of luck with it mate.

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