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FAC starting


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Go onto the Durham police website, go onto the firearms section and download the application forms for the grant of a firearm certificate.

Print it off, have a read through it, most things are fairly straightforward.

You need 4 passport sized photo's, permission to shoot FAC guns over land, and a cabinet.

You also include a cheque with the application, and for 2 referees to fill out some forms to say that you aren't nuts.


After some time (it varies with different forces) your FEO will contact you for an interview, he'll ask you some questions, and if your land isn't already passed for the calibres you apply for then he'll pass it then.


After some time you get your certificate, it's all fairly simple.


I would suggest that you consider applying for something like a .22lr/.17HMR (or both) as well - it costs nothing to apply for more calibres now (it's £26 to add firearms in the future when you want more) and they can be very useful calibres, depending on what you plan to shoot, and where.

I'd also consider applying for a SGC while you're at it, it's another £10 if you do it at the same time as a FAC, it's no hassle while your at it, just 4 more photo's.

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try and get out with an fac holder as well even if just once as you may be asked to be signed off by one. and have a really good reason for wanting each caliber /gun. i dropped a whopper today and the feo knocked my fac air as i couldnt come up with a reason quick enough lol got the 22 /hmr so all is not lost.

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do you rekon its worth the chew


Yes. I used to like air rifle shooting but found it very frustrating. The time spent per bunny was huge. On a good night a couple of hundred bunnies is possible with a rimfire and a vehicle. I sold my 2 PCP air rifles 1 to raise funds for a .17HMR and 6 months later I hadn't fired an air rifle so the other went too.

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do you rekon its worth the chew


Well, really it depends on what you are shooting, and how often.

But the answer will almost certainly be yes!


It's the best thing I ever did, even with the cheapest .22lr set-up out there you can pop of rabbits, crows etc 100 yards away with ease (double that range for a .17HMR) (and a .22 can be cheaper than an airgun!), sod all this stalking to within 40 yards with an air-gun, you get something far more accurate that is far more powerful that will work over longer distances on more quarry.


And then don't forget it opens the door to other calibres and shooting, such as foxes, deer etc, when you have a certificate it's easy to add more calibres as your needs change.

Getting a shotgun certificate for the extra £10 I think is great, if you aren't fussy you can pick up a cheap shotgun and hit things that are flying as well!

The only trouble with a SGC/FAC, it can get addictive. I had one shotgun when I applied for my FAC, I've now got 5 guns filling my cabinet, and I'm still don't have everything I need.

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As far as FAC air rifles are concerned do you need to get land cleared for a FAC air rifle, Also on your fac slot does it say "firearms rated air rifle" which would allow you to buy any FAC air rifle you wanted to put on that slot or ".22 air rifle @ 60 ft/lbs", which would limit you to just buying a 60 ft/lbs air rifle in .22.

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