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GetYour Gun Fitted To You

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I have enjoyed reading your comments even if it has been a while.


My first 525, the one made to fit was given me as a present at the end of 2011.

Since then I have had a second new one as a present which I immediately had fitted to me, exactly the same.

Luckily I have been in constant company with friends of my son who are all full time professional instructors so did not pay for fitting and advice.

I have been invited as a guest to 3 shoots up to date where I have had a Mule driver loader at my side, I suffer with a back problem.

My shooting has massively improved .

I cannot lean into shots, have to stand erect, hence one reason for proper gun fitting. to suit.


Both my Brownings now come up to my cheek into the same position every time, I do not even think about it, do not look down my barrels, just look at the bird/clay.

I do not put my gun up too soon and play catch up, track the target unnecessarily, I now put my barrels to the target as I bring up my gun, the follow through is really important.

I have learned a lot this year through proper instruction and it has not cost me much, lucky devil, must be my age or charm :lol:


I can assure everyone who doubts, 'proper gun fitting by experts' has given me consistency as never before.

I do tire easily so every little of expert advice is gratefully received.

I only have one guaranteed shoot left now, might have to cough up a few shillings, I have two more irons in the fire, just hoping.



If I were younger and fit I would consider taking a 'instructor course', alas I am a old geezer.


Good luck guys.

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I was lucky, shooting left hand there was not a great choice, i tried shooting a right hand gun but couldn't get it mounted in the right place.


The first left handed gun I picked up was a Winchester Select and it fits me like a glove. It come into my shoulder nice and I look straight down the rib.


This has given me the confidence in the gun and my shooting is steadily getting better each time I go out.

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IMHO, if you shoot gun down, then having a properly fitted gun, that you simply lift up to your shoulder (and into your cheek), is the ideal....but this does take lots of practice to get it right each time.


If you seriously have to push the gun away from your chest and then pull it back into your shoulder, then you are creating a lot of unnecessary rotation of the aim point and risk of a different mount each time.....I speak from experience, because this is what I used to do and was taught by an ex Skeet chamption was wrong. After about a year of denial, I ended up selling my gun to my brother (it fits him better) and buying another - rather than paying for a fitting - and I now shoot much more instinctively (and much better)....both with clays and pheasants.


Everyone can make do....I did....but a properly fitting gun makes life much easier, and lets you concentrate only on the target, rather than the gun mount first, target second.


(Apologies if loads of people disagree....looks like I am in the minority on this one!)

:good: :good: :good:
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