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Found an old BSA .22 !! Possible resto project


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We are having a bit of a clear out due to impending house move, and ive just dug out a very old BSA Meteor which was shoved in the back of one of the cupboards!


My mam said it was my dads from when he was young :D


The stock will need replacing, and the outside of the barrel has some rust on it, but it still fires pellets (Well I managed to hit an up-ended quality street tin from about 20 yards :lol: )


I might try and do this up as a project. Anyone know where I can get a stock from?

Edited by WelshLamb
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Here are a few pics. Stock might be past my salvaging skills!! I have glued the crack on the underneath and gently clamped it in a vise to set overnight. There is a strip of wood missing on the left side of the stock, where the hole is on the one side to secure the action to the stock.


If anyone feels like doing some stock restoration for me, just yell!!


Ive stripped it all down, rubbed the barrel and action down with wd40 and wire wool and as my mam is in bed ill with the flu and therefore unable to shout at me - I have stuck all the bits in the dishwasher for a good old clean :lol:




















I decided to have a go at very rough pellet grouping, approx 10 yards away from a large sheet of paper. Bearing in mind theres no scope on it either. Shots 3 and 4 are about 1" apart :good:



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Don't put anything in the dishwasher! The powerful detergent will strip away the protective oil and the salt will then corrode any bare metal quicker than you can say '********, I've ruined my gun'.


Gentle clean with wd40, toothbrush and cloth would be better imo.

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