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Anschutz  1417 THUMBHOLE .22 LR

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Anschutz  1417 THUMBHOLE


.22 LR Rifle Private Seller
Used - Excellent Condition prudhoe, Northumberland
Bolt Action


very reluctant sale due to loss of license.

.22 rim fire Anchutz 1417 thumb hole rifle in stunning condition. complete with Harris swivel bi pod, luxury leather strap, i think its a Husher moderator and a Leupold vx2 3-9x50 scope with sun shade. immaculate condition. 500 rounds of Winchester sub sonic.

fired less than 250 shots.

looking for £750

Now the good bit.

Had my license for approximately 15 years or more, in 2005 i separated from my wife and her sister decided to ring the police and say that i have guns and may kill myself or kill her. Following a full investigation Durham constabulary returned my license in 2005 and my firearms. Got back together with the wife had a baby girl in 2006, lived happy ever after. Had a renewal within this time for shotgun and firearm with Durham constabulary with no dramas. In 2010 we decided to separate amicably, again with no problems. I kept my licenses with Durham until last month when i was due a renewal and moved house into the Northumbria police force area. Paid my £50 for renewal, they came out had the chat and issued my licenses. two weeks later i had them revoked because Durham transferred my file and Northumbria Police felt that the incident that took place in 2005 was good enough reason to revoke as they see me as a danger to the public. Laughable as i have had both licenses and weapons for 7 years since with no further reports or allegations, arrests, cautions, charges, minor offenses or motoring offenses. I have simply remained the decent law abiding citizen you should be to own such an item.

However they did say it was ok to own an airgun as they are harmless.

I can honestly say i feel so disappointed and let down and often wonder what the law is coming to regarding firearms in this country.

This gun is being sold by Pigeon Watch member Andy-Hep. Message them here


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I would lodge this gun with a rfd for a month and think about what to do give your self time to calm down. contact your old feo see if he would be willing to talk to your feo where you live now as he must of known you for a long time. Good luck.


Ps if not would you be willing to do the gun only no bits scope pod etc. and how much ?

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