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Rabbit and Pigeon late night lounging


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It's been a while since I posted and that is because it's been a while since i've been shooting.

Realising the the hay on the permission is getting mashed a bit I checked in with the farmer and asked if he minded me lamping the next couple of nights (he never does but since i hadn't been in contact for a while thought play is polite) he was more than happy to hear from me and wished me luck.


On Monday I finished work at 2200hrs and was home and in my shooting gear by 2230hrs, then the wife wanted to natter about some inane subject to i feigned interest for half an hour thinking "I could be shooting now" eventually she quietened down and I said good night to left. The permission is a fair drive away so 45 seconds after leaving home I was parked. (still better than walking down the street with the rifle)

I stalked up to the rabbits took a shot absolute flyer.... thinking please don't tell me the Stealth is having one of it's funny five minutes.

All Rabbits have no scarpered so I lay down, take aim on a fence post between the cricket club and the permission (I have permission for both) shot is way high, put another pellet on pellet the another for fun. OK group is bang on but Zero way high.

since all the bunnies have scarpered for a moment, I pace out the fence post again. 35 yards, lay down and take a shot, and another, quick adjust, two more shots and am now happy that the zero is good. I am aware this isn't the most ideal way of zeroing, especially in the dark but catastrophic miss was better than pricking a rabbit, so probably a good thing. Still not sure why it was firing so high but we're zero'd now so back to the job in hand.


I walked the perimiter of the main fields without having to go to close the farmhouse. I then laid out in wait in a nice position to give me a good position on most of the main warren.


The night was ruined by Charlie, the Vixen was out with her four cubs and they were all hunting. It was nice to watch but not useful on the hunting front. I had Long Eared Owls swoop over head, a heard (4-5) of roe Deer trapse through the field. Badgers and also on one sweep of the lamp I spied a Stoat, only the second one I've ever seen. Some amazing shooting stars and the ubiquitous Chinook flying dark that we get round these parts quite often.


The following night I nipped out straight from work, no nipping home first to avoid the ever ready to chat wife. I fired a few dry shots from the cylinder then laid out and popped a round into another fence post. High.... AGAIN!!! quick adjust and back out to the field. First rabbit to pop his head up and see what the staggering fat bloke in the dark was up to chose his timing badly. Roughly 40 yardsish shot.


One spring from impact and down dead. quickly reloading in case there were any of his friends left but alas they've all scarpered. I continued to sit out for quite some time however the vixen and her cubs returned and were having a field day. I paunched the rabbit in the hedgrow and head back home.


Still thats a Rabbit for the Bunny burgers for the BBQ on saturday, Another pelt rolled and in the freezer (waiting for about 10 to then Tann them) Also unhappy that the scope was being erratic I ordered a new one (subtley told my brother than I know you didn't get me a birthday present but if the wife asks you got me this..... he is now adding some cash towards it too. How nice of him :) ) My wife just called me to ask what the parcel is that arrived today about a foot long and 5" square. :) looking forward to getting home now.


anyway two evenings shooting and alas just one rabbit, but damn it's good to be back in the field. I also ordered a new main spring and hammer for the Stealth to make sure I'm getting a regular and consistent charge each shot. Watch this space :)

Edited by danccooke
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post edited to take any ambiguity out of legality of shooting with or without lamp at certain quarry.


apologies all. for the record of those who saw original post, lamp wasn't used on that shot, as wasn't required. but still OP edited.



Edited by danccooke
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