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I recently bought a Daystate Huntsman mk1 FTR in 177. I got it at a good price :yahoo: the guy i got it of said he could not get it to group. He give me some 177 pellets with it so i tried it and it was all over the place.

The Rifle is fitted with a very long two peace Parker hale silencer it has 8 baffles in the first part and 18 baffles in the seconed part ??? . So i stripped it down and it was full of little shards of lead were the pellets had been clipping the baffles. So it had a good cleaning but what a pain to get it all lined up with the barrel i had to make a drift to line it up. So after rebuilding the Rifle and silencer i tried RWS superdomes and RWS superfields and it is putting pellet on top of pellet at 25 yds :yahoo: . So i tried some of the pellets that the guy give me. BSA Storms and BSA Interceptors

The storms kept giving me a few flyers and not very good groups this had me scratching :hmm: my head so i weighed them.

I weighed 20 out of the tin. The tin says they are 7.9 grain i got 3=7.2 2=7.4 5=7.6 8=7.8 1=8.0 1=8.2 thats a big spread in 177 pellets :hmm: . I had a look at the Interceptors and every pellet has two razed lead lines down the skirt moulding marks and the bottom of the skirts have a load of lead that has never been trimmed off :w00t: . Nothing like the finish you get with Crosman or RWS pellets.

The mould they are using must be absolutely worn out i have had to trim all 500 pellets with a trimming knife boring :no: . I should of just put them in the bin. Happy. :shoot:

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order some JSB exacts.. pretty good and consistant

ps was givven a rifle to fix by a builder who is doing some work on the house, long story short the thing was shooting three meters to the left at 5 meters, silencer off, told him to chuck it as there was little left but some barely remaining baffles and hundreds of pellets. Looking at the crown of the barrel it was 0 shaped instread of o shaped.. -.- a crown later it was doing sub inch groups at 25 yards, so check the crown of the barrel, it might shed some light, or not.. good luck

Edited by demonwolf444
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?????? Read it fully 444 it is now putting pellet on pellet at 25yds :yahoo: and the crown is fine. Theres only two reasons i can think of that you need to recrown a barrle. 1/ If the gun has been dropped and damaged the end of the barrel. 2/ If someone cuts an inch or two of the barrel then it would defiantly need re-crowning :good: . Happy :shoot:
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haha sorry about that * retarded moment! *. I'd no idea how this gun had such a bad crown but then i saw it was an smk and so it was probably a factory error as there was no other signs of damage, and the crown was protected by the factory fitted silencer. Sorry for the thread hijack mate! let us know how you get on with your new peice!

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