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CZ 455 .17HMR 16" varmit barrel


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I have both 12g shotguns and an FAC .22 air rifle and have been looking at something with a bit more range to rabbit/varmint work. Have found the above rifle in laminate stock and shop is looking £495 or £595 with a nikko 8-16 scope and moderator. Do people feel this is a fair price, and has anyone had much experience with the above rifle? Decided .17hmr as the .22 FAC air rifle and a .22 rifle would not have a huge dirrence in effective range before bullet drop becomes an issue. Tried a .17hmr and was suprised at just how loud the bullet impact is- obviously target dependent, but liked the accuracy. Also thinking of joining a gun club to practice at.


The land I currently have permission on is relatively small ( 25 acres or so) and i do clay pigeons. As this is a rim fire would the land likely be ok or should i start looking for permission on a larger area? Have been verbally given permission but person is away at the moment so cant get it in writting for a while or a larger farm.


Thanks for your help

Edited by rwade545
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Bearing in mind that prices are a bit cheaper across the water, £495 sounds like a reasonable price for over here. Tannyoki has a 455 listed at £620 for the bare rifle. I think the best price I heard quoted for a 455,when I was shopping around for my hmr this time last year, was £550.


I think I read somewhere on here that the PSNI had stopped "clearing" land,it's now up to the shooter to decide if the lands safe to shoot on. But if your intending to join a club,you should be grand.

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