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Buying a shotgun from europe


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Bear in mind you will have to pay import duty on a gun bought in the eec however you dont pay duty on a gun won in a shooting comp if you follow


You don't pay any tax on something coming from the EU. The exception is alcohol and tobacco unless you are actually bringing them in your self.



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In addition to earlier post when you exit the ferry you will need to declare that you are in possession of firearms and go through the red channel the customs will then ask y ou the value of the gun and want to verify this if it exceeds £135 you will pay both import duty and VAT

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All I can tell you is 4 years ago I was shooting in France and whilst there bought a gun which was ever so slightly cheaper then in the UK however on my return to this country I was informed that because the gun is not freely available ie you need a licence to buy one it was subject to duty and VAT and u had a choice pay up or have it impounded at Dover. So this is my personnel experience should someone have better information then please excuse my ignorance

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As other commentators have already said, there is NO import duty or VAT. Sometimes, poorly trained Border Agency people don't know even the most basic and fundamental things and I have been on the receiving end of similar nonsense coming back through Hull. Just remain polite and ask to speak to an adult! (NO, don't).


More pertinently, depending upon where you buy the gun you will need some authority to make the purchase, transport the gun to the point of embarkation and (possibly) paperwork to export it. Generally speaking, a UK FAC or SGC is taken as a UK import authority where the gun is for personal use. The process can become even more convoluted if you are buying in one country and transporting through other countries prior to coming into the UK. e.g. buying in Germany and then transporting through Germany and France prior to a ferry trip back to the UK. If you are in ANY doubts about legality etc. please, please have a look at www.bis.gov.uk/importing and then email / ring them to answer specifics. If you have the correct information and telephone numbers you'll feel a lot happier when you're stood in front of the guys holding the MP5s!


Sorry, if stating the obvious, but your UK SGC is only valid in the UK and an EFP only covers guns which you already own and which are on your SGC and EFP; the EFP does not confer any purchase authority.





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Thanks to everyone for the input,i dont think for a minute it is going to be straight forward but the saving is around 2k less any expenses so warrants a good looking at.


What about if i fly out,buy the gun and it is sent to an RFD in the uk and i fly back,the vendor would give custody of the shotgun to his Italian rfd and i take it from my rfd in yorkshire,or is this classed as an import for the dealer?

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also worth speaking to your Firearms Licensing office manager, or the person there who deals with import/export at your local constabulaire ....

I suspect that a Euro Form 21 .may be involved .... transfer of firearms between member states.

(My only experience is with a rifle)

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