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getting FAC as junior


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im 16, nearly 17(september) and am going to be applying for my FAC and SGC. the problem is im not sure what calibres i may require other than the .22rf . im planning to do my DSC1 soon so a deer legal calibre as an obvious choice but which one is a problem. i have read on one the forums about putting all ones you would like down, as the worst they can do is say no, is this a good idea or not.

thankyou in anticipation of any replies.





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You are bound to get loads of repies to this one, but my advice (for what it is worth) would be to only apply for what you can justify, if you simply fill up your app with anything you can think of they may think you are taking the 'you know what' and not react well.


You say you want a deer calibre, do you have access to, or are you planning to go deer stalking some time soon? if so, them go for it, if not, they may ask why you want one - for instance.


FEO's are not there to stop you from owning any guns, they just to be happy you need them so they can justify the approval of the application to their superiors, if asked.


Initially I would go for calibres that don't overlap each other (.22 rf you have mentioned) maybe a .22 centrefire, and then a bigger one for deer.


The which calibre question will run and run, but a quick search of the forums will reveal what most people reckon is 'best'

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:oops: In Sussex they like to see you fill each slot you apply for within one year. If you go mad with your choices and get them you will have alot of spending to do. To be honest, I personally would make a phone call to your FEO and ask these questions over the phone or with an appointment. It won't do you any harm and may earn you a few brownie points. You'll get a much better understanding from the FEO than anyone on forum. Simply tell them what you want to acheive over what time periods and they will be more than happy to help you. They certainly won't award you a deer calibre unless you have the DSC1 or they may make it a condition that you are supervised for a time period.


Get your land together and work out what calibres are going to best suited for the shooting you will be doing. It would be great to have a different rifle for every occasion but thats not realistic or practicle. For me at the moment my ideal line up would be .22 FAC Airgun, .17HMR, .223 and one of the deer calibres (I'm currently pondering this one).

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Yeah make sure you have the land suitable for a rimfire or centerfire rifle, and the money!!! im 18 just got my fac through a couple of months ago for .17 hmr and only just had enough money for that, getting on for 400-500 quid, any other bigger calibre, ie: deer, your looking at over 1000, way over 1000 for all the bits.


Go for a .22 if you have the money for it and the land, and go for a variation for another calibre ata a later date when you get the cash, Thats what me and farmerguy.22 are doing, start small, get some experience alone with a rifle then progress.



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not all larger calibres are very expensive, you can pick up CZs in larger calibres for much lower and they are good rifles. im doing DSC soon, so a deer legal calibre is probably a must, as is a .22 i have land to vermin shoot, as well as im a member of a rifle club(NRA).





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Yeah thats true you can pick a good one for £200 quid, im just thinking about the ammo, scope and silencer etc, id say if you have the money then go for whatever you wish lad.




Id join a deer stalking group before you apply for a deer calibre, especially as your still classed as a junior.


Best of luck

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