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Kayak fishers


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Thinking of taking this up as a means of some summer fun at Cleethorpes.

Im after picking your brains on set ups, gear etc as I have been browsing online but the start up cost looks horrifying if I get everything some of the pages say.


Firstly i'm not a novice when it comes to being afloat as i'm an ex commercial fisherman and also a former lifeboatman so I will never underestimate the sea.

I have a fair bit of canoeing experience albeit in sit ins and many moons ago so I reckon the change to a sit on coupled with the extra ballast I have accumulated over the years will prove a challenge.


What I want is your ideas on set ups, whats good, whats bad and what you all wear etc etc.


If I go down the purchase route, are there any clubs etc as again, a novice on a solo trip is not my idea of an ideal trip.


I sit back in eager anticipation.

Cheers lads.......and any lasses there may be too.

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Thinking of taking this up as a means of some summer fun at Cleethorpes.

Im after picking your brains on set ups, gear etc as I have been browsing online but the start up cost looks horrifying if I get everything some of the pages say.


Firstly i'm not a novice when it comes to being afloat as i'm an ex commercial fisherman and also a former lifeboatman so I will never underestimate the sea.

I have a fair bit of canoeing experience albeit in sit ins and many moons ago so I reckon the change to a sit on coupled with the extra ballast I have accumulated over the years will prove a challenge.


What I want is your ideas on set ups, whats good, whats bad and what you all wear etc etc.


If I go down the purchase route, are there any clubs etc as again, a novice on a solo trip is not my idea of an ideal trip.


I sit back in eager anticipation.

Cheers lads.......and any lasses there may be too.


as a former lifeboat man you should be telling us what to wear :lol: :lol:

i only use my yak in the summer so for me its just my wet suit and a life jacket,

as for gear i use mine for bass with the lure so its just a spinning rod and reel and a selection of lures i also take trout landing net and a bottle of drink



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Well in the ILB, it was one piece wooly bear under a dry suit with life jacket on top.

The life jacket would be too restrictive for paddling so probably change to auto inflating type.

More after ideas on what you all use as I have also used floatation suits at sea but they get very hot when working.

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I do go out fishing from the yak (haven’t been for ages due to weather) and have done a fair bit of it from Sea Palling but have to admit I have been more successful at places like Gorleston at the White Swan wreck as an example. I am afraid that there is no getting away from the cost unless you manage to find a deal on the complete kit. I can’t tell you what I have spent on kit in the 5 years that I have been doing it, as I am forever changing stuff and tend to buy things that were not needed or things that were not up to it.


I would advise that you get to know someone with a bit of experience before you start to spend your dosh or you will find that you will buy and then buy again as you get to know what is good and what is not.

My current set up must have cost well over £3000. Then you have got to think of transporting it and converting the car to suit.


My advice would be to get an Ocean Kayak possibly the trident or the likes. I had the 15 and it was great, perfect for the task and I am 19 stone so as you can imagine it is well capable of handling a big lad no problem.


Have a look at my blog, you can see some of the stuff I have been doing and what I use, frodo-its-a-dogs-life.blogspot.com or drop me a PM with your phone number so I can call and we can have a chat.


Billywoodsman, if you fancy getting out one day drop me a PM. :good:

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Fishing so close to the 'Umber you'll need to make sure your kayak is rigged with a suitable anchor trolley system before you venture out. This allows the anchor to be deployed from the cockpit and then the pully can be slid round to the bows to avoid it tipping the boat over. I had a 3 kg grapling anchor connected to a short length of 1" chain when I fished out of Cleg. Might seem a tad heavy, but soft sand or mud and fast tides meant that I needed a heavy handbrake. For inshore fishing a smaller 1.2 kg version is adequate.


For summer use Farmer Johns neoprenes under a fleece top and kag will be fine, but for winter you'll either need a dry suit or chest waders under a decent kag. Decathalon have some decent stuff.


Ocean Kayaks are probably the best bet for fishing and you can sometimes find decent deals if you look around. To be perfectly honest though, if you are only fishing Cleg you'd be better sticking to your motor boat as the tide races and wind around there can limit your otions.


No need to mention the buoyancy aid given your pedigree.


If you decide to get one drop me a PM. I used to fish that area from my kayak when I was in the UK and have some local info' you might be interested in.

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