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air arms tx200


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I had a tx 200 SR and its diferent to normal tx200s in the wau it shoots hellishly accurate.not that tx200s arnt because they are, but this was better. Not sure how lol stock was different cant say i noticed any other differences. The hc is the carbine (short barrel) version. And genrally the the early models differ cosmeticly to new model by havong diferent finnishes to the timber amd chequring. As for new 1s being more accurate o wouldnt of thought so.

Edited by mr williamson
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I had a tx 200 SR and its diferent to normal tx200s in the wau it shoots hellishly accurate.not that tx200s arnt because they are, but this was better. Not sure how lol stock was different cant say i noticed any other differences. The hc is the carbine (short barrel) version. And genrally the the early models differ cosmeticly to new model by havong diferent finnishes to the timber amd chequring. As for new 1s being more accurate o wouldnt of thought so.


I own a Tx200 MK1 SR and agree with everything you say, they are a pleasure to shoot and very very accurate, some people think the earlier model to be a better gun than the newer models. Also from what I understand the SR version is getting rarer and thus more in demand

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