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Keeping flies off


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OK so no 'flies around poo' jokes please - but what do you guys do at this time of year to keep the flies from buzzing around your head?


I use jungle formula DEET mozzie rep which (for me) works against the biters, but recently I've been getting swarms of normal flies round my head and no amount of repellent seems to work.


Should I be investing in an Aussie style corked hat?

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Something that seems to work for me with normal flies is to take a handfull of elderberry leaves and rub them over your hat and jacket shoulders. This would appear to keep them away. I was told this by a fishing mate years ago and he said that they used to rub it on the pit ponies when they went out to graze.

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Something that seems to work for me with normal flies is to take a handfull of elderberry leaves and rub them over your hat and jacket shoulders. This would appear to keep them away. I was told this by a fishing mate years ago and he said that they used to rub it on the pit ponies when they went out to graze.


Thanks for that, there's a big elderberry bush right there too.

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