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quick and easy crayfish trap


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I put together a crayfish trap with some leftover chicken wire and cable ties, it took minutes to make and is much bigger and better than my cheapo bought one.


I've drilled some holes in a plastic pot to use as a bait box and attached the string and tags, so I'll drop it into the stream later tonight to find out if it works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Neat and simple! Did it work?


We used to catch shrimps in Ireland with a similar thing made of a 2l coke bottle with the pointy end cut off, turned around, and tied back in with string. Worked a treat! I'd guess the mouth of a coke bottle would be a bit small for crayfish though.

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Just double check your sizes for the neck, as legally they can't be bigger than 30mm (Might be 50mm)


Or you can end up trapping otters.



It's 95mm but my trap is 70mm wide so well within the law, plus there are no otters around there anyway - unfortunately.


The rain has stopped play at the moment as the trap just fills with twigs and leaves that are brought by the fast flowing stream, hopefull I'll get out soom for somne more.

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