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Ropey Looking Rabbits

Wharf Rat

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Had about half a dozen really rough looking rabbits the past week or so. Several have had bald spots around the eyes, and a couple had completely bald lower hind legs.


The internal organs were fine, and the roughest looking were carrying young so I am guessing that they are not that badly off health wise, but they looked awful.


I wondered if it was mange, but they seemed less flea infested than normal?


Any ideas what ails them?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, you may well be right! Gutted one last night which looked healthy - only to find that the insides were full of a thin bright yellow liquid. The ribs had yellowed too. Same cause you think?


I can't remember seeing anything quite like it before, neither could the farmer I bumped into walking home nor the old boy next door who has rabbited for years.


I am wondering if we have all seen rabbits either with or without myxi before, and that these recovering ones are new to all of us?

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