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Muntjac Buck


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Hi all,


Had a call from a German hunter friend of mine saying he was over and looking for a stalk on a Muntjac could i help him out!! I said i could but the grass is up high and the is poor vision in the woods due to the greenery on the trees, on top of this the Muntjac Bucks will be in velvet! which he understood but was still keen to come and have a go, and he now seemed more interested in the velvet heads and wanted to know more.


I had 2 rides open for him to see down from 2 seats and that was his lot so take your pick sir, Now I am blessed with having good numbers of Muntjac on the castle grounds so was still shore he would see Muntjac!!


After getting set up in the seat and the light starting to drop you all no what its like when you start to get that feeling that something was going to happen! then on Que out stepped a Muntjac doe followed very quickly by a Big buck in full velvet,, the German hunter said yes I want him!!! I said hang on this is not in the programmed stalk!!! cull is what you came for and he is in full velvet he said no,, this is the one I want to take I love the head just as it is!!


So without a seconded more taken a perfect Heart shot stopped the buck not feet from where he was stood when the shot was taken. I would of loved to of seen it in a month or 2 time, but he was a happy hunter and that is part of the job.


Anyway happy hunter non the same here are some of the photos taken last night.






Thanks for reading.



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thats a cracking head alex client looks well pleased


Thanks mate.


A very happy fella by the looks.Would you think it was medal stuff or hard to say??Not that i know much about them but it looks pretty long.


It is always hard to say Dave but if i had to put money on it yes!! Not my cup of tea the head in velvet!! but I would of liked to wait and see him in 2 months time.


Talk soon mate.

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In my experience pretty much every Muntjac I've shot in velvet looks like it's got a huge pair of antlers on it, I think they loose quiet a lot of mass as it sheds, either that or I'm very unlucky at shooting em!


Yes I would tend to agree with you there mate! But in my mind this was a big buck ...


??? The thing is he wants the head mounted as it is anyone have the way forward on this one ???


Or best let the taxidermist deal with it.


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i boiled it and jet washed it of to leave a nice set of antlers they lose the colour and go very white but i would have thought if you prep the rest of the skull and leave the velvet on it should just dry out there is no meat on it just gristle type skin that will act as a shrink wrap give it a bash

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was he using your gun mate, .243 isnt right popular with them germans.

he looked happy enough anyway.

I have no probs shooting bucks in velvet as culls but do not allow clients to shoot the 6's they have to be clean.

well done buddy anyway, and look no wind up comments...... :good:

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was he using your gun mate, .243 isnt right popular with them germans.

he looked happy enough anyway.

I have no probs shooting bucks in velvet as culls but do not allow clients to shoot the 6's they have to be clean.

well done buddy anyway, and look no wind up comments...... :good:


I dont like clients shooting in velvet myself John, but he was paying and asked if he could take it in velvet?? He what's it mounted that way! it was his call and he was happy..


He loved the .243 well he had to mate or he would of had to chuck sticks & stones at it to get it...


My thoughts;; If the client is set a price mate for his stalk and we both agreed the price before the shot was taken on the buck! then clean or not as long as the hunter is happy i am, this buck will just be added to the cull plan numbers and put down as a very good head medal size or not we will never know.


No wind up comments or not your still a T*T Robson. :wub:



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I agree fully with the cull, client deal.

thats what makes us professional mate, we maybe dont like everything or everyone we deal with but we provide a service and as long as its done propley we have to put our personal veiws to one side and provide the clients with what they want. (within reason).

still no wise cracks, am i still a t1t?

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Nice looking buck but yes be nice to see what he looked like out of velvet.


p.s looking good in sporting rifle :good:


you and YDS are becoming mini celebrities in the shooting world ;)



He would of been nice to see mate i keep thinking about it myself...


Mini celebrities :lol: :lol: no mate just need to fill the mag some how :lol: :lol: but thanks anyway.


See you at the CLA ?? and be back on to you about your stalk mate once the CLA is done.



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alex it looks like your blowing in his ear in sporting rifle pic did you like him? or was you trying to put him of his shot :D :D well done mate

funny that photo all i could see were a silver barrel x2 white faces and a blue zeiss badge nothing else but trees.


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you on the scrounge for a new free cammo outfit ;)

No mate dont use camo for stalking.

Infact you dont see me in camo very often, not for deer stalking anyway.

Only if all my plain green stuffs wet.


what i usually look like when guiding/stalking.




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I have both sets mate green and Camo, they are at prices that alot of hunters can afford which is nice for once. they will be the first to admit the clothing is not for the hill yet but watch this space.. but for water proof gear you cannot beat it for the price and with mossy oak on board now this will keep going in the right direction.


P.S your are in the post John.

P.P.S take your camo hat off you T#T

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And i have both John Green and Camo best to blend in with the back grounds.


Plus look at your profile photo you T#T.

like i said above mate not often for guiding.

That kit was worn on a driven hunt and is insuated, Great for sat still and i was wearing a high viz hat and waistcoat over it when on the drive so was next to useless for hiding, couldn't buy it in green.

However my new rusky is in plain green.


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like i said above mate not often for guiding.

That kit was worn on a driven hunt and is insuated, Great for sat still and i was wearing a high viz hat and waistcoat over it when on the drive so was next to useless for hiding, couldn't buy it in green.

However my new rusky is in plain green.



Different horses for different course mate! I guide in mine alot? and green?


Its what you are happy in bud! Some hunters get 3-4 coats for the money you PAID for your one!!!

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