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General cartrages

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Hi all. Am quite new to the whole shotgun world and have nearly used all my carts that I got with the guns and am looking to get a slab or two in. It's for pigeon/ rabbit etc a bit of hide shooting and rough shooting aswell, not after paying the earth for them what's everyone using and where did you get them from ?

Ow and it's for an o/u it will take a 3 inch cart but anything under 70 mm seems to rattle in the chamber :/

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they shouldn't rattle at all, generally any 30 gram no 6 pigeon load will do all your rough shooting without breaking the bank.

Carts in my sxs rattle a bit when guns turned end on end it's normal. I use 28 to 32g 6* in both my sxs and o/u there a good general purpose cart. Kent velocity hv pigeon or game bore clear pigeon

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Try justcartridges.com if your a fair distance away from a gun shot, they will deliver next day to your house for £15.00 per thousand and have a massive selection and price range to select from. you can also select different boxes and dont need to buy a full thousand it's just the delivery thats fixed as a minimum

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Anything between 28-32 grams, either 6 shot or 5 shot (I'd suggest 5 on rabbits, they can do pigeons too).

Cartridges shouldn't rattle in a gun, that's odd. Provided the action is tight it's probably not dangerous though.

it was the other day when i put two eley maxium in the gun i could hear the cartrages moving about whilst i was walking. i just took them out and put some imperial game in and no rattle. so i just thort it was the eleys being 67.5 mil moving about. may of been two dodgy cart will have a look when i am out next.


i was just after any heads up from the area on any deals going. if not i my try just cartrages :good:


thanks karl.

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it was the other day when i put two eley maxium in the gun i could hear the cartrages moving about whilst i was walking. i just took them out and put some imperial game in and no rattle. so i just thort it was the eleys being 67.5 mil moving about. may of been two dodgy cart will have a look when i am out next.


i was just after any heads up from the area on any deals going. if not i my try just cartrages :good:


thanks karl.


It's probably fine.


Tip: Keep your gun open when walking round, the only safe gun is a broken gun. Safety first - never rely on a safety catch.

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Are you not experiencing the SHOT rattling in the cart rather than the cart in the gun?


It's unusual for a cart to rattle unless there is play in the barrel and that would have to be some movement to allow the cart to move about :blink:


The only other thing would be the action? Firing pin spring could be broke allowing the pin to move or a fractured pin?


A very small amount if play between the barrels and action is OK but I mean just enough to feel if you shake the gun hard. Any real looseness it should be taken to a smiffy and the slack taken up. If you can twist the barrel and you see of feel movement should be seen to and also. A good way to check is to remove the carts and then remove the forend wood grip, hold the stock at it's wrist barrels up and give it a shake forward and back then side to side. If there is play it's came off it's face. If this slack is taken up when you replace the forend then it's still ok to use but once you feel movement with the forend on it needs repaired.

Edited by Lord Geordie
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Are you not experiencing the SHOT rattling in the cart rather than the cart in the gun?


It's unusual for a cart to rattle unless there is play in the barrel and that would have to be some movement to allow the cart to move about :blink:


The only other thing would be the action? Firing pin spring could be broke allowing the pin to move or a fractured pin?


A very small amount if play between the barrels and action is OK but I mean just enough to feel if you shake the gun hard. Any real looseness it should be taken to a smiffy and the slack taken up. If you can twist the barrel and you see of feel movement should be seen to and also. A good way to check is to remove the carts and then remove the forend wood grip, hold the stock at it's wrist barrels up and give it a shake forward and back then side to side. If there is play it's came off it's face. If this slack is taken up when you replace the forend then it's still ok to use but once you feel movement with the forend on it needs repaired.

No pal it's not the gun it's tight and in good nick. It must of been the carts. I fired them off through the semi anyway. Any other carts are fine it must of been a few loosely packed carts as you say. Thanks Karl

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