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Now then everyone, I need some advice on shooting crows. These are one quarry I've never really pursued and an opportunity has arose on a farm not far from me. He has some haylage he has bagged the last few days and the crows are ripping into them, he wants me to sort them out but I've no idea how to approach them, I no from past experience when decoying pigeons that if ones approaching and I **** in the hide they turn and run so what do I do? Do they decoy like pigeons or do I need a more tactical approach? This is possibly 2000 acres of new permission if I get the job done, I can take 1 person with me so if anyone with more experience than me would like to join me get in touch. 1/2 and 1/2 on the land if we get it. Thanks

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We have managed to bag quite a large number this year. The set up i use is start off with 6 floaked coated crow decoys,i tend to spread them out. make sure you have a good hide and keep movement in it to a minimum. As you shoot birds add them to your pattern as i say i have found a large pattern works best. If it looks right they will just come straight in. Good luck :good:

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Had a good day on the crows on Sunday - good hide and camo with a face vail is a must in my opinion, keep still till they within range then let em have it. Get decoys out, they are inquisitive, and as they fall add them or leave them where they fall, their curiosity will still bring them in, but when they stop being keen, go tidy up a bit. Also have some punchy ammo, they take a bit of punishment :). Enjoy.

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