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Red kens Proposed new laws


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Hi siatek, the day you are a "rival sport" as you put it would be a sad day indeed. I think I speak for all on this site when I say that you either "STAND UNITED OR FALL DIVIDED". I've sent off an email, the only good thing is that Ken is not an MP, and with a bit of luck after all the congestion charge (here's hoping) he'll be voted out in the next mayoral election.

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Email sent.


You are right its this gradual erosion that will ultimately lead to a ban on all shooting sports.


How on earth do these politicians ever get to the conclusion that banning law abiding responsible citizens from owning firearms, albeit replicas, that the criminal community will suddenly stop using guns in crime.


Its a bit like saying no one can buy aspirin any more and that will make drugs and drug related crime go away.


These guys are on another planet.


Since the hand gun ban gun crime has gone up!!!!




They should be putting their efforts into encouraging responsible ownership.

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Hi all- Its great too finally have some posotive responses- nearly everyone I've spoken to has effectively told me where to go. (That post was written for a paintball site ((I couldn't make individual posts for each site I've warned, I dont consider you a rival sport at all, I am an airgun owner as well :D )))


Once again, Thanks all

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My E-mail has been sent, and the word is being spread among my shooting buddies, from all disciplines. I agree with everyone else on this one, we are all shooters, regardless of our chosen quarry or targets.

One point I will make, don't take Mr Livingstone for a fool. He's very charismatic, and this congestion charge is being looked at, seriously, by a number of big cities. Where he goes, others will follow.

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I'll dig up his actual statements on this tonight- I'm at work at the moment, and having a **** day :D

One thing thats confusing me is- Whats a replica?

A direct replica like airsoft?

The markings on the gun?

The colour of the gun?

The shape of the gun?

I've seen paintball guns which before I became a mililtairy nut, I would have mistaken for real firearms, and the same with airguns... He hasn't said anything about shotguns mind... Which is odd, personally I'd have thought shotguns would be more dangerous, mind- Im not big on them

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Some updates-

Cant find his initial statement which is a bit bad...

Now- Ken Livingstone is no longer our major problem (Though those emails aren't just to him)

Aparently, the Antisocial behaviour bill alows the Home sec. to ban any Airgun he wishes basically... Details on this are sketchy though.

Now, Its looking like this- Airguns not to be banned, replica's to be banned. This is good for you guys right? Wrong, In a survey I performed, most people could not tell the air rifle within 5 Real steel rifles... The pistols are the same.

You as an airgun community may wish to contact you'r governing body or even create a new body for the protection of Airguns, Airsofters did- We're currently in a debate (As are the Paintball community) As to wether or not to legally classify our guns, I'll take you through whats been discussed so far-



They wouldn't be tarred with the same brush as other Air weapons

It'd raise awareness and understanding

It'd be the first step to the control of them

You could lisence them


The goverment could easily classify and ban them



The airsoft is split 80/20 on this- Most want it... Paintballers mostly dont give a Sh*te

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