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Cocker spaniel fracture to right hind leg

Asa Bear

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My friend has just had his 14 week old pup x-rayed and the vet says the tibula is fractured and it's a clean break.


My question is should he have it pinned or will a cast suffice?


The vet is saying a cast may have other complications such as sores but pinning the leg requires anaesthetic and (much) more cost. ???

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I'd go for surgery every time. Casts can be very problematic to manage and can hide all sorts of sins. If they have no money and putting the dog to sleep is the only other option go with the cast. If he can afford it surgery every single time.

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I'd go for surgery every time. Casts can be very problematic to manage and can hide all sorts of sins. If they have no money and putting the dog to sleep is the only other option go with the cast. If he can afford it surgery every single time.


I assume he has no pet insurance? :angry:

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Sorry was supposed to be a sad face my bad :blush:


On the answer to the insurance aspect it would have saved him/her alot of money and regardless of what breed I feel all dogs should be insured so that they get the best treatment possible especially in the current financial climate.


Please dont take this the wrong way its just my opinion.

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I'd go for surgery every time. Casts can be very problematic to manage and can hide all sorts of sins. If they have no money and putting the dog to sleep is the only other option go with the cast. If he can afford it surgery every single time.

the mans right ...........................but iirc he's a vet so should be :good: :good: :good:

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As I said it was not a critism just an observation.


We have had pet insurance from the day our Jack russels arrived home and never made a claim in 8 years (lots of premiums)we considered cancelling with cash being so tight however I am glad we didn't. Came home one day to find the dog had eaten some carpet final bill was £3000!!!


Lesson learn't for us thankfully

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they can be fine with the cast option, if its purely monetary its well worth a try. A friends dog did similar and was only offered the operation to start at about £1500 then she said it'll have to be PTS they then gave alternatives. In the end paid £400 or so and that made a full recovery

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