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Bad day trying new netting


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Hi gents

I got some army desert netting off army646 on here which arrived Friday but I wasn't in so I would have to collect Saturday morning, I decided to nip out Friday night with the rimfire to some paddocks I shoot and whilst I was there to nip and see if this big barley field had been cut nearby. The field was cut nd bailed so decided Saturday afternoon was on.


Got up at 6am walked the dogs, walked to the post office and picked up two parcels but was still waiting on my crow call to turn up, I've got one but it's cheap and you use it once and the reed sticks and becomes useless so I ordered another. Nipped to tesco on way home for milk and some snacks it home about 8.15.


Rang and booked my taxi for 11.30am, I normally cycle and travel light but as I was taking a lot of kit rang and booked one. It normally quiet between 10am-2pm but figured it would give me plenty of time to get set up and try different set up if I wasn't happy with the hide as I wanted a Roof on it as I was after crows.


I went and sorted all my kit out while i was waiting for my call to arrive, took out my shells as I got full bodied last week. It got to 11.30 and the crow call hadn't arrive so I got all my kit out and waited for the taxi, got here at 11.40ish chucked all my kit down in front off a stack of bales and went to grab my hide poles.....'where ### are my ###### poles' I'd left both sets at home! I couldn't even ring the mrs as she was at work. I remembered when I'd first checked out this new land I seen some big stems of willow from last years crop dotted about the place so figured I'd go try collect enough to make a frame.


After 20 mins I'd found enough and began making the frame luckily I keep a 100m spool of para cord in my bag, after 15-20 mins my frame was made and pretty bloody good too, I got my decoys set up then packed loose straw into the netting to blend in better and got settled down it was now gone 12.30 I sat for 11/2 hours and didn't see a thing then the rain started it was quite heavy but only last 10 mins (just enough to soak me!). I waited another hour then two crows came out of no where they got spooked about 40yrds out as I moved to get into position the must of seen my barrels move, missed them both! Then another came but again I missed in my excitement.


Then at 3pm I heard something big coming down the lane, it was the farmer with the bail trailer and a teleporter to collect the bails I set up against which brought my rather unsuccessful day to an end, I rang the taxi again and packed up with nothing to show for my time and £14 poorer.


On the plus side the net looked bloody good and my frame wasn't bad either.


Atb Gary

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better than sat at home....

I was out yesterday ...Been watching the field for a few days...one side was cut rape and the other was rape still standing...last few days pigeons been dropping onto both....set up and nothing..hardly any even flying around and the ones that were just would not commit...ended with 10 for 27 shots :oops:

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like above said gaz better than work try a fishing brolly there ace clip your back to hide poles onto the back ribs that holds the brolly up 2nd two poles as normal round front then nets over and net over roof hay presto cracking hide warm and dry.


Bang on for crows and as you no they have wicked eye sight at 200 yards think you need a trailer for your bike mate save you giving A2B taxis all your cash matey




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I need to get my self bloody driving, I've got a fishing brolly for that purpose but find it too low to shoot out of unless I'm sat down but again it doesn't feel natural for shooting for me.


I'm sure there'll be some good days soon, I've got next week off so I'll get out earlier and catch them I could do with getting a magnet to draw them in better.

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