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Rape stubble or barley stubble?


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I snatched two hours yesterday afternoon on an estate next to my village. There were lots of pigeons on a rape stubble and an equal number on a barley stubble in the field next door.


It is always fatal to dive straight in and set up without watching flight lines but the first few groups of pigeons I saw coming in flew over the 200 pigeons feeding on the barley stubble straigh into the rape stubble and I made my decision to set up on the latter.


This was the wrong decision as although I shot a fair few (44) the strongest line by far turned out o be along a hedge into the barley stubble. I must have watched over 200 pigeons follow this line whilst I was in my hide.


If the barley stubble is not grubbed up by Friday I may shoot it then.

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i went on barley stubble on monday night at 6.00pm two fields ajoining one three times the size of the other .birds where all on the big one so i set up quick due to the late hour shot 7 pigeons and 4 crows before all the birds moved to the small barley stubble field .i would choose the rape stubble every time over barley .i think they just moved because you where shooting

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i went on barley stubble on monday night at 6.00pm two fields ajoining one three times the size of the other .birds where all on the big one so i set up quick due to the late hour shot 7 pigeons and 4 crows before all the birds moved to the small barley stubble field .i would choose the rape stubble every time over barley .i think they just moved because you where shooting


You could be right. However the flight line I was on in the rape field turned out to have a quarter of the birds on it compared to a completely separate line into the barley field.


In normal circumstances I would always go for rape over barley. Having said that if I had spent more time watching I may have chosen the correct position in the first place but it was late in the day.

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