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waterproof trousers or over trousers

big bad lindz

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waterproof trousers or overtrousers what do you use and do they work?

I know there has been lots of comments on PW about about various waterproof jackets but what about trousers.

I was out this morning on some pigeons and knowing that it was going to rain later in the day so I packed in my ex german army gortex over trousers and they have now passed there sell by date as they leaked like a sive. I do have other heavy `shower proof` trousers that I sometimes wear when on the shore in the colder weather but I will usually put on the above now leaky overtrousers on as well so I havent notticed them leaking so much

Any suggestions or comments.




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i have a pair of waxed cotton trousers, they do the job well for me and dont cost alot

also have a pair of jack pyke realtree camo trousers, they are good aswel but abit thick for warmer weather shooting


EDIT...post below...very good comment, i use waders most of the time when wildfowling but for inland shooting i wear as mentioned above

Edited by TJ91
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As this a wildfowling room I guess you are looking for over trousers for wildfowling. My advice is to go for a pair of cheast waders. You can get some good ones for the same price as waterproof trousers and chesties will keep you dry and warm far better than any waterproof trousers.

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