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Fishing rights

Alpha Mule

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Cheers for that. The transaction of sale will have to be checked. I hoped maybe there was some official site that could be queried.

I have had the shooting permission granted here, so assume (I know!!) that when the plod checks happened they checked that the owner has the right to grant permission.

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Several Rights are seperable from the freehold and it would really need a thorough check carried out by a Solicitor to ascertain exactly who owns what and what was included in the sale.


Riparian and Shooting Rights are quite often detached from the sale of land, especially when Estates fragment.


I would find it unlikely that a Police follow up on letters of permission would go in to the detail required to confirm the indesputable legal ownership as it is a lengthy and costly exercise.

When we bought a Grouse moor the search for legal proof of ownership to the shooting rights offered for sale took almost a year and final cost constituted almost 25% of the final purchase price.


I hope it is a lot quicker, easier and cheaper in your case. Hopefully the Deeds are clear but as they will be written in Legalise it's a long shot.

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