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crows and pigeons-advice needed


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Hi all, me and my dad visited one of our permissions yesterday and found that all of the farmers one barley field had gone to weeds, but there is one patch left where about 40 crows and 20 pigeons got up as we walked over. we are hoping to try to decoy them later on today-the problem is that the laid patch is out of range from where we were going to set up the hide. the flight line is over the hedge where we were going to put the hide. advice needed on how to get the birds to come into range as they drop in to the pattern.

thanks in advance,


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Set your hide up in the middle of the field, just make sure you have a good back on it, also if the sun is strong it can silouette you (but this can happen at a hedge also), you will spook birds if they come directly overhead, a roof will help but hinder shooting. Try to get the wind and sun to your back. Don't be afraid to try this out.


I have also decoyed by just sitting still under a tree or by a hedge when too far to carry stuff.

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The nearer you can get to where they are feeding the better.

If the problem is lack of cover, then try putting a hide in the middle of the field, its surprising how they will ignore it.


You can also try to ambush them as they pass along the flightline to the feeding area.

For this you just need a good hide, but if there is some food crop in front of you , it would be worth putting out a couple of decoys.

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