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Grouping with CZ .22


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Fister is completely right in what he says.


I have the long barrelled CZ 425 standard and I can't speak highly enough of it. This is a test target I shot in 15 mph wind yesterday at 60 and 70 yards aiming at the centre spot. I always do a check before I start on the rabbits when I go out. The holes are about an inch apart on the 60 yard target and a bit less at 70, but obviously a bit lower since I am using the really silent Eley subs with a sound moderator. I find this ammo just brilliant. Devastatingly effective at 50 - 60 yards. Some of the heads are just emptied at that range - just like a cracked open egg shell. I do shoot further - up to about 80 yards, but for me, that's chancing it because my scope is a cheap one. I only do that because the places I'm shooting are over-run, and I have to get a lot of control done.


At one warren yesterday, I approached to 50 - 60 yards and shot seven rabbits stone dead with consecutive shots. They were all there at the start of the shooting and the gun is so quiet that none of them even noticed what was going on. It was just 'Ping - TWACK', reload, 'Ping -Thwack' right through the lot of them.



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I agree with the above.. Im no sniper but can manage to put a 3 round group within the size of a pound coin with my cz452 sillouette.these rifles are seriously accurate!! Im using eley subs in mine. If i knew how to post pics on here i would put up some pics of targets ive shot.. :good:


cz452 22lr/simmons wtc


picking up saturday.. cz american 17hmr/t8 mod/ simmons 44 mag :)

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i can do 1 hole groups with my cz 452 @ 50 yards


However i can consistantly shoot 3/4" groups.


The consistancy of non match ammo in my gun is not good enough to get garuntied 1 hole groups time and time again. even with good ammo such as eley Plus you still get ones with lighter charge weights and heavier, etc etc..


If you do enough groups eventually you will get 5 rounds which are consistant enough to produce a seriously good group. However this is a one off.


i would be impressed if anyone could consistantly hold better than 1/2" @ 50 yards with 'hunting' ammo.

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Try the tenex ammo


£13 per 100 ;):) :o





wont group at all in my gun.


Plus i dont think its expanding ammo.


No its match grade ammo soild

Grouping, why not Nick?


cant explain it mate, it will shoot the eley plus, winchesters, lapua, even cci ammo into 1/2" 99% of time (with odd flyers taking the groups out a bit) but tennex just wouldnt shoot in it.


I have just dropped the rifle off for cutting down to 16" and re threading/crowning, will get it back next week some time, will see if anything changes then.

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Being new to firearms I am interested in grouping at a range of 60 yds, what should I be expecting in still conditions and what its max distance to drop bunnies effectively. Also any advice on the brand of ammo suits this rifle.





Crocket :)

It's worth pointing out that some of the replies are often based on range and bench resting conditions .With standard ammo (£3 a Box )lying prone on a harris you would be looking for a 10 shot group no greater than 1" at 60 yds.........That is if you ignor the odd and very consistant flyer ;)

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And just to give you a control to compare against, batch-tested Tenex EPS, Anschutz match barrel and action, 50m target and my groups are between 10-14mm (0.4-0.56") for 10 shot groups. Obviously you expect a difference with hunting ammo and hunting rifles compared with Tenex (now retails £15.40ish a 100) and a match rifle at around £1900!





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Are we talking centre to centre or the size of the hole? My 22 Benchrest rifle probably holds 1-2mm c-c groups at 25 yards with Lapua Ammo and that is benchrested so its somewhat artificial. Its also 40+ years old.


Your gun might not shoot tenex well if you havent shot much through it, you may find that after a couple of boxes it settles down as it uses diferent types of lubricant to other ammo and this kinda needs to get "bedded in" in my experience.



okay that might well explain it. i may give them a more long term test. Not that much will really come of it as i dont think i could ever justify accuracy over expansion(less chance of a ricochet)


I am talking 1/2" etc for the whole group to fit inside.


Properly worked out i have a 5 shot group @ 50 yards shot with my rimfire measureing .139, but would maybe get 1 group of this sort of size per 20 groups shot.

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