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herbal / hedgrow tabacco / smoking mixture


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Not too sure which section to put this in but here goes,


Just a bit of curiosity realty, an old country boy in the village used to make his own ‘smoking mixture’ from hedgerow plants, as a non smoker it is not really relevant but I was wondering if any one has any more information on this sort of thing?


He was a true country old boy he did not believe in spending money on anything let alone tobacco!! I was told he would go down to the allotment and ask for parts of the sweet corn plant (the tassels off the cob I believe). I was only a kid when he must have died so cannot ask him now, but I can remember walking down the lane and you could smell his smoke - a real sweet smell,


So I will bow to your greater knowledge



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I've read about soldiers using nettles and bramble leafs if it's any help.


When I was at school, we smoked anything we thought would get us high! Catnip, dried banana skins, ivy, hemp, horse chestnut you name it! That's a different story though........

lmao. you must have gone to the same school as me.lol

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years go when out ferreting I had a worry and had to wait for the fert to come out ! well I run out of smokes :sad1: there was some bramble leave dried on the bushes I rolled and smoked em they wernt bad, the fert came out but the dog wouldn't leave the set ! reached in two foot from the hole an got it dead the fert had met it face to face an couldn't get past it ..ive packed in smoking and ferreting...atb dd

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When I was at school, we smoked anything we thought would get us high! Catnip, dried banana skins, ivy, hemp, horse chestnut you name it! That's a different story though........


Lol. We used to take the paper wrappers off the long thin chewing gum strips and smoke them because 'older kids' did it and said it got u high. How gullible was I as a kid

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