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Duck cartidges


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If you are decoying and the duck will be close, then epress hunting steel in 4's. if you are not decoying and there is a possible chance of rangy birds then I would use 2 3/4" Express hevi shot. It is the best non toxic on the market by a long way.





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No, You shouldn't use any non toxic in chokes tighter than half. They are all harder than lead and can cause excess pressure


I was under the impression it was ok to use bismuth or impact tungstun matrix in more than half choke as it is almost as soft as lead and I have just been on various internet site and from what i have read from the makers internet sites and from other sites it sounds as if you can use bismuth and impact tungstun matrix in over half choke but not any others.

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  • 1 month later...

I got charged £30 for a box of 20 bore impact tungsten matrix cartridges :no: so definatly not cheap although i never paid that much for them last season so i don't know if i was being over charged for them but they wern't for me, they where for my brother so it wasn't my money.


So at that price don't miss :(

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