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Goose shells


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just as bad down here si just got back from the inlaws they live on the other side of the north island from me its a 5 hour drive ihad her with me so i had to stop and look at a few shops on the way back one sports store had a benalli m1 90 in camo for 2700 the next town we stoped at had it for 2300 new zealand dollars

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Pjohn the only thing I would point a shotgun at with 7's in is the odd butterfly and then you would probably just annoy it but for Geese don't even bother. If all you have is sevens then go and buy a catapult and find a big stone you would probably have a better chance with this than sevens.




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:lol::lol::lol: I have to agree with the last two posts on this, if you only got sevens then forget it you need as per the advice.


On a serious note, if you used 7's and you only wounded the bird an it landed in some fluffy loving persons garden an they reported you to the RSPB you MIGHT find yourself being prosecuted for causing unecessary suffering to a wild animal.


if you got geese to harvest then do yourself a favour Sam an do the job properly this way you get to eat what you harvest without hassle or bringing the sport into disrepute.


Col Pol

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well didnt get the 7s settled for 36grm 6s ended up with 3 for 5 shots :moon :moon

CB you need plenty lead in the air not the odd ball bearing to do the job


leon dont knock it till youve tried it by the way you must look a sight chasing butterflys around the stubbles with your pith helmet and safari suit :lol::lol:

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