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solway 3" magnum

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i have not been duck shooting for some 15 years or so. the last time i flighted duck onto a pond i used lead shot in 4 or 5 32gms. i now have a chance to flight ducks again down a tidal river. i am aware i must use steel shot nowadays. i have never fired steel shot cartridges and today bought some hull solway 3" in no 4 34gms as advised by my rfd. i intend to fire these through a semi auto thats steel proofed, with modified choke. {1/2 choke i beleive}. the quarry is mallard that are not really that high.{this might change when we start shooting}. i am no stranger to shooting duck but the steel shot thing is new to me. are these shells man enough with this choke? thanks aga man.

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I've just back from lindisfarne and used my browning with quarter chokes up to max range. I used home load no 2 steel and found them very effective. I always use a quarter and found it very good at the ranges I have fired at. Nothing wrong with no 4 steel, shot many of duck with those carts. Hope it all goes well!!!

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4s are ok , but I would think about going up at least one shot size if mallard are to be your main quarry. Try 3 inch 1 1\4 oz Gamebore mammoths in no 3 and you will have similar results to a game load of lead 6s. Remmington no 2 are brilliant for highish mallard with a full after choke , but you need to use the heavy loads found in 3.5 inch shells for a good patten.


Pattern is not usualy th problem with steel shells , its keeping the pellet speed up and to do that you need to think about using large pellets 3-2s for duck.

Edited by anser2
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