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winchester 91


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I had one as my first gun and sold it as I got on better with a SxS, despite it's age it was beautiful and still tight as anything (if only it was the same for everything in life... ;) ). I didn't know they made a non barrel selective version, my one you slid the safety catch onto safe and then could slide it left to right to select with barrel to fire first.

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Made in the 80s for Winchester, by Laurona. Long lasting and vastly under- rated. Black chrome barrels outside and chromed inside.


Never got the recognition, but beat Lanber, Bettinsoli and Rizzini any day of the week,

i read an article about winchester shotguns the other day that contradicts what you say.


Aparently winchester 91 were made by the laurona of as you have said.

but a series of faults on the 91s surfaced and production of the 91 drifted away in a short space of time. All went quiet on the winchester o/u, until the 101 came out. And winchester climbed back up there. This is off memory so not surw word for word, il dig the article out at worj tonight and give you guys the info

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