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Terry P

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I don't normally bother with morning flights when the moons up, but when my 1yr old lad decided to wake us at 5.30 this morn I decided it was a good omen.

I arrived to discover I had the place to myself with a stonking 30kt wind, the marsh had that errie moonlight look that I just love and with geese calling I was quickly into my gear and off to my chosen mark.

I'd just settled in my chosen mark when the mother of all showers did its best to discover if my coat was still waterproof, with water dripping off my hood i looked towards the beaming moon and thought I was going mad as I truely believed I could see a rainbow it had none of the usual colours but was just different shades of light and kind of silvery looking, it really was amazing, just one of the many reasons I love fowling,I was experiencing all this whilst most people were laying in their beds.

As it started to get light a nice little duck flight started deciding to give up on the geese I shot 4 wigeon instead, including my first ever triple at duck it caused a bit of confusion for the young dog but we got them all in the end. :good: I'm glad I did as all the geese headed out in the other direction just as I was getting in the van, the lazy ****.


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Any reason you don't usually do morning flights Terry ? I prefer them to evening...good bag there, good shooting.


I've done loads of morning flights when the moons high and not had much, perhaps its just the marshes i've shot but alot of thr time the duck are already there and settled in, but i've had enought success to keep me trying lol

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Nice write up, you must have seen a moon dog. It's the light from the moon refracted by ice crystals in the atmosphere forming a 'rainbow' or halo around it.


No it was'nt round the moon it was just like a rainbow only without the colours, i've googled a bit and theres a few photos of them, lunar rainbow or moonbow, it was well cool, prob never see one again, and I only had my phone so no photo. :hmmm:

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