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Lanes Reloader

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They're very similar to the Lee Loader. You whack the cartridge into the depriming chamber to resize, knock out the primer with the de-capping rod, re-prime, add the powder charge, press home your wad (I do this on a set of scales to give consistent compression), add your shot charge, finish with an OSC and RTO or trim back cartridge mouth and seal OSC with a smear of bathroom sealant.

I do not have a Lanes kit I use my own home made version but that is how they work fella.


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I bought the 2 1/2 and 3 inch .410 kit when I first started reloading. After about 3 shells I gave up with it and bought a RTO tool from Clay and Game. For resizing I bought a Mec supersizer from Siarm to do a proper job.


I still use the punches and dies from the Lanes kit but couldn't get the RTO to give the quality of finish I wanted (I have been described as a bit fussy amongst other things). The RTO tool from Clay and Game is excellent. As far as resizing in the Lanes kit goes, I don't think it does particularly. My once fired shells were a pig to get out and were tight in the gun when reloaded. there were some photocopied instructions included saying that if the shells are tight in the tooloing they need to be heated and then resized. I tried this and found if you get them too hot your 3 inch shell becomes a 2 inch and you get shouted at for ruining your Wife's baking tray.


If I was starting again I would go for the drill mounted RTO and other necessary bits separately rather than go for the lanes kit. it sounded good on paper but I just couldn't get on with it. Maybe it's just me and someone else will be along in a minute or so with a completely different view.


All the best with your reloading.



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