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night vision nightmares!

Mr Majyk

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ok, so nightmare is a bit of an overstatement, i recently picked up a pulsar challenger second hand at a very tidy price. The unit works as a monocle very well giving good image clarity but my only problem is that when i fit it to my scope (im using a nikko stirling gameking 4-16x56) i seem to loose ALOT of the "light" coming back through the scope? i think its due to the type of lens coating used on the scope in comparison to the lens coating used on the challenger lens? ive managed to sort of get round the problem by fitting a 750nm camera filter to my tri-star pro light and thats giving me better illumination, but what id like to know is if im better of getting a scope with different lens coatings or a dedicated IR illuminator? any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


O and im using it on my anschutz 1451 .22lr in an ideal world id like to be able to spot bunny eye glare out at 50m?


ta all and happy shooting!

Edited by Mr Majyk
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You need a dedicated ir laser to start with.

You also need to screw the eyebell out on your scope until the cross hair is focused then use the parrellex on your scope to focus the picture at different ranges.

The challenger is the best gen 1 night vision on the market when set up correctly, but you need a ir laser such as the n1000 and ideally a scope with side parellax, the mtc mamba lite or the leapers/ags scopes work really well.


I could spot rabbit eyeshine 150 yards with mine on a good night using a mamba lite scope and a n1000 laser and could head shoot rabbits to 60 yards with the 22lr.


Stick with it mate, once you get it right it is better than any dedicated gen 1 scope and with an add on you can easily move it from gun to gun unlike a dedicated.




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I am no expert but had a steep learning curve with add-on(cheap Aldi),results for me me up to now with scopes: Meopta 6x42 was total **** with Lightforce 140 & nv filter but useable for rabbits @ 50yds with N1000AP laser,Leapers SWAT 3x12x44 good with either to 100yds +,ditto with Simmons WTC 3.5x10x50(no use below 25 yds due to lack of PA),& strangely best results with both from 80's Jap Tasco 3x9x50.Strange because everything I have read has said that coatings on good quality scopes are no good with nightvision but Tasco has the same low light capability of Meopta.As a point of interest all seem to fare best the drier the air conditions,Lightforce 140 with infra red filter gives wider field of view & seems to me to spook rabbits less but N1000AP much more convenient & gives longer range when focussed down.Sad point being I really prefer Meopta for daytime/twilight use,still it has given me reason for a second .22lr :good: .

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all!

thought id just drop in an update.

Finally bought one of the recommended N1000 IR illuminator and by sweet mother of trajectory its good!!! :lol:

spotting rabbits at 100 with ease, the fact that i can change the focus is bloody brilliant! ive done a bit of scope swapping so i can use it on both my .22lr and .17hmr and i love it! but the rabbits hate it! well, the rabbits would hate it if they knew what the hell was happening! on the first night i nailed three outside a warren in a row! the third ran but made the mistake of stopping just outside the warren, plink, job jobbed! cheers for the advice guys and especially to happyshooter for the prompt to buy it!

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