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pigeon shooting


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Hi Guys,


went out today to get a few Pigeon's and all looked well as we set up, then the Fog rolled in (not alot but very misty) and the pigeons just did not come back...... The field we were in had been hit hard and there was alot of crop damage, we had a go at a few but no big numbers.


Any thougts ?

Edited by jmj121
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  • 4 weeks later...

years ago when we were kids we use to get off the school bus when it was really foggy and go straight out with the air guns over the woods

pigeons wont fly in fog so we use to shoot them sitting in the trees

i surpose there like us driving in it cant see were your going !!!!

the same thing applies to pigeons feeding if the fog comes in they fly to the nearest roost sit up and wont come back

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I went out a few weeks ago, all looked good and as soon as I was set up and got in my hide, fog rolled in so thick I couldn't even see my decoys!

Sat for 3 hours in the hope that the fog would clear but to no avail. Ended up with one crow...........but only because he practically landed in me!


On me, not in me:-)

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years ago when we were kids we use to get off the school bus when it was really foggy and go straight out with the air guns over the woods

pigeons wont fly in fog so we use to shoot them sitting in the trees

i surpose there like us driving in it cant see were your going !!!!

the same thing applies to pigeons feeding if the fog comes in they fly to the nearest roost sit up and wont come back

Sorry, i have to disagree with you on this. I remember back in 2007 i shot 110 on rape. I could barely see fifty yards in front of me due to the fog. The pigeons came in a treat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes i agree Motty never found the fog a problem while pigeon shooting , also i remember crow shooting a few years ago ,the fog rolled in i couldn't see the crow pattern ,i kept calling and they arrived out of nowhere,birds were right on me 20 feet away and closer..every bird that appeared made me jump ,Back to pigeon shooting get yourself under a good sitty tree in the fog,i have found in heavy fog they will stick to there flight lines .

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