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Foster children taken away because parents were UKIP supporters


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i must admit i want to know more about what else ukip have as policy's apart from boarder controls before i vote


I'm not sure there other policies are that important to be honest.


They know they'll never challenge the two main parties, but there is now a distinct possibility they could oust the Lib Dems as the third major party.


That would be enough to really set the cat amongst the pigeons, and hopefully force any new government's hand into giving the electorate a say in what happens to the country via a referendum on Europe.


Of course if, at the next general election, they were to be in a position to form a coalition a referendum would be a given.

Edited by poontang
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So "England is the most densely populated area of Europe", in that case I suggest that there be a ban on people, in England, having children....simples.



Perhaps the UKIP should change its name to EIP?



England is the most densely populated country in Europe, it is not a fresh-air statistic. England itself is more densely populated than India, China or Japan. (In fact Britain as a whole has been more densely populated than China for years). 90% of the UK population live in England and always will. There is not enough water, agricultural production or energy to support the present rate of increase. We already import half our food and we're reliant on the Russian mafia and Arab dictators for our energy supplies.

Officially 2.5 million people have come to Britain in the lest 10 years from the EU. The true figure will be higher still. Most of those people are under 40 and will produce children who automatically becomes British citizens as soon as they enter the world. Officially, again, more immigrants come to Britain from outside the EU. If they are commonwealth, then barring serious security infringements, they have automatic right of citizenship for themselves and all their dependants. So, conservatively, if we believe the government's own figures, a minimum of 5 million people entered the UK in the last decade. Our native population was already increasing and aging before this huge influx. Our infrastructure is creaking, our health system is at the limits of its capability, our agriculture is in terminal decline and the availability of agricultural land is disappearing as fast as the people who farm it; 3 million of our own poorest people who cost the most and produce the least are priced out of employment by immigration and the welfare system, and on top of that we are borrowing 120 billion a year from the Chinese to bribe these same people into producing more children and borrowing again to provide free fertility treatment, as well as so much else, on the NHS for anyone on Earth who is medically suitable and can make it to our shores. And worst of all, by far, we are handing the problem and the bill to our children.

We are riding for the biggest fall in our history, presided over by a tiny elite who are without democratic mandate or competance. Is it really so risible to want an intelligent debate on the subject?

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Look on their website. The point Reece made above is a good one: its hard to get fine policy details from any party so far from a general election. Too much could change leaving parties vulnerable to making apparent u-turns.

In essence UKIP favours leaving the EU, small government, greatly reduced welfare state, a low tax low regulation economy, rigorous points-based immigration controls, a return to proper defence spending, abandoning so-called green power generation form sources proven to be both costly and useless and as in the case of wind, destructive, and developing realistic home-produced power from nuclear and shale gas subject to viability.

They also favour a simplified taxation system with a flat tax replacing income tax and National Insurance with a threshold of £11,500 taking low earners out of the tax system altogether. No employer's NI, phasing out inheritance tax and replacing VAT with a local sales tax.

They want to restore grammer schools, apprenticeships, student grants and ditch politicism and targets in state education, provide proper vocational training and ditch the fantasy of 50% of all children going to university which has devalued degrees, ruined the life chances of thousands and left the country with few skilled artisans. Don't know whether they would keep Micheal Gove's free schools, but I would hope so. They are the best thing this government has done.

They would double defence spending and recruit 25,000 more regular troops with proper pay and medical care.

I believe they also favour PR, which I don't. One coalition government in a lifetime is more than enough; we don't want this horse-trading and shabby deal-making every term. And they want binding referendums on key natinal issues where no choice is offered by the main parties, which I do like. Where there is no choice between parties we get a political elite deciding our future in back rooms without democratic mandate.


On balance, I'm in favour. Not perfect but a great stride in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.

sounds sensible for the most part

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So "England is the most densely populated area of Europe", in that case I suggest that there be a ban on people, in England, having children....simples.





good suggestion



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England is the most densely populated country in Europe, it is not a fresh-air statistic...


Sorry but KW`s link to the Nazi Daily Mail says that Malta is :/


Soooo where are all these immigrants coming from? Percentage wise how many and which countries, over the past 50 (for arguments sake) years, have they come from?

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Soooo where are all these immigrants coming from? Percentage wise how many and which countries, over the past 50 (for arguments sake) years, have they come from?




Under "Long Term International Migration: 2 Series - LTIM, 2010"


I'm afraid it's in a .zip file, however it's table 2.01a LTIM Citizenship 1991-2010 which is of interest.


I draw to your attention the "balance" part of the table (i.e net immigration) which shows 353,000 net immigration from Eastern Europe between 2004 and 2010. Overall net immigration is 2,714,000.

Edited by Richard V
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England is the most densely populated country in Europe, it is not a fresh-air statistic.


The UK as a whole is 52nd in the world, with a density of 663/mile2. China is indeed 82nd with a density of 365/mile2.




With regards to England the torygraph puts it at 1,010/mile2 in 2008, which is about 30th http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1930010/England-to-be-most-crowded-in-Europe.html. As far as I can see countries from 1-30 isn't as large as England, consiting mainly of China's Special Administritive Regions, islands and micro states such as the Vatican City, which has a very small area.


It won't suprise me if it is the most crowded in Europe, but it's definitly up there.

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