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Woman Saves Fox - Video


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Yes, when I was a boy about 8 years old my dad put me in a kennel with about 40 fox hounds. They licked my skin off, I thought it was great hanging off the ears and climbing all over these large dogs that are now considered ferocious. I personally think it's so wrong that fox hunting is banned.





Do you still speak to your dad? Lol

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Interesting thread to see so many divided viewpoints on what is essentaily a common ground :hmm: My view is its a set up. The hounds clearly had no idea what to do with it. I have been hunting on many occassions as a youngster. I have seen a few kills, and it was over faster than a "bullet to the engine room" that is so often advocated here as the most humane method of dispatch. Had that truly been a wild fox it would have had half her face off, so disgusting behaviour on her part. They are not on a save the animal crusade, I'm not sure they give a flying fig, its a class war in the main and they use these dishonest and cruel methods of making thier point.


I am a Farrier, and have had my clients, clients horses and children, squirted in the face and eyes with ammonia. The youngest of which was 7 at the time and hospitalised. I had aclient whos barn containing horses and calves was set alight and burned to the ground. This is the side of "Animal lovers" versus the Toffs that you never see.

There seems to be a few on PW that just don't get the country bit. Employment relies on it, landscape conservation depends on it. I am in my small way part of it and reliant on it for my income and enjoyment of life. Do I go hunting, shooting, ferreting or fishing for the enjoyment of killing? No I don't. I do it because the countryside is my way of life, for which I have imeasurable respect and affection.

Clearly a lot of PW members don't hunt/shoot/fish. However the remainder of us ALL hunt, beit pheasant,rat,pigeon,rabbit etc ect. One mans pursuit may not be that of another. So lets stop the condemnation and in fighting and be united on protecting all that we hold or we will lose it.


Spot on!! :good:

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