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Talk from the armchair..

Jim Sarakun

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This must be the first time I have posted before a shoot. The continuous rain has finally abated and the wind is pretty fresh and perky, resulting in squally showers. The forecast for the day is "some sun". What a lovely day for getting on the Pigeons.


All the winter drilling's are in now and this is the second week, or is it the third? on the Rape. Plenty birds about but I look around me and can't but conclude it has changed somewhat. The Pigeon fridge in my garage is not on yet, it's usually full by now. I'm taking my single barrel 12g, it's easier to clean, should the birds not decoy, these last 3 weeks having not been particularly productive. I've packed 1 box, yes, only 25 cartridges. That should ensure they will decoy in a suicidal manner.


Ozzy who is picking me up, is 10 years younger and I know he will have 500 cartridges, his 3 shot semi and dead birds of which I have none yet.


The thrill is still there and I can't wait to get out, watching the clock hoping Ozzy might turn up a bit earlier.


So anyone else in a similar position, I wish you good luck for the day...

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How did you do?


The Rape was quiet, so we ended up on some Wheat drilled badly last week, loads of Wheat on the floor. It was steaming with them, easily a few thousand birds.


We set up under a reasonably active flight line, as we suspected that they would not decoy. We suspected right. If they hadn't been flying over this particular corner, and us seeing them before they saw us, we would probably have ended up not taking the guns out of their sleeves.


Nothing moving around from other directions came within range of the decoys. They turned away before they were half way across the field. We were shooting a bit of a prairie, not one of the easiest fields to shoot, and wasted a few cartridges on high birds for a while, but soon stopped that.


It was all over by 13.00, they just evaporated. We ended up with 15 in the bag.


Another pair of guns who shoot for the same company, ended up with 11 and they were on Rape. At least we have some fresh dead birds now for the next thinning out. My fridge is still off though, as I let Ozzy take them home to show to his wife and bragg a little. Apparently he gets his leg over, successful hunter gatherer thing seems to turn his wife on he said.. He's right, it does..

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Picked Jim up this morning and drove round our various farms before settling on one with a few recently drilled fields. The driving rain and howling wind had subsided and the sun was shining. Several huge flocks of pigeons were fighting about and after settling under a good flight line we thought that we were in for a good day. Unfortunately the pigeons had forgotten how to be decoyed . They ignored their artificial friends on the ground and would not decoy at all. Several flighted within range and they too became decoys. It ended up as a nice day in the countryside with 15 woodies now chilling out in my fridge

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