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Lincoln Premier Gold or Yildiz O/U 28g


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Looking to buy either Lincoln Premier Gold or the Yildiz O/U in 28 bore, but undecided which gun to go for. Mainly for my use as a walked up roughshooting/vermin gun but also for my young nephew to have the occasional shot with. Has anyone personal experience of either and are willing to offer advice ie regarding build quality, finish etc? All comments gratefully appreciated.

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I bought a Yildiz 28g and its my gun of choice for game shooting and walked up.


Great gun nice and light, I'm looking into buying an extra junior model stock in 13" for it so my wife and nephews can shoot it better.


The Lincoln is also a nice gun but heavier.


Try both.



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I have the Yildiz in 20g, it is quite nicely made, shoots well, ejects well - it is not an auto safe though. In fairness it is not nearly as nice as my Beretta, but there again it is less than half the price... pay your money and take you choice. Yildiz definitely good value for money, I paid just under £600 for mine brand new. I might get one in 28g eventually as well.

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Not used the Yildiz but I've shot a Lincoln 28 bore and it compared well with my Beretta 28 bore both are on a true 28 bore action that makes them feel better to me, I know some prefer the 20 actions added weight between the hands.


I would if i did it again consider buying the Lincoln it was twice the gun of my W&S 28 bore.

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