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Just purchased an owl and a primos caller...any set up advice?


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Just purchased a long horned owl for bashing the crows and a caller to reign them in. Any tips/essentials that I should try?


I saw somewhere about sticking a bin bag in the owls feet to imitate the capture of a dead crow...anyone else got any simple success stories?


Would love to hear how you call your crows in too for this situation?


Going to have a go Saturday morning

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As mentioned, keep on practising with the Primos caller, it's an excellent bit of kit. When blowing into it, try making a 'grrrr' sound the same time. This will create a more 'raspier' sound. Biting on the rubber tube will increase the pitch,and this can be used for calling in Jackdaw's.

As for the Owl decoy, I have a small owl decoy and also the european one. I have'nt had any luck with either of them yet. I've been told that hoisting the decoy into a tree, should help, but I have'nt tried that yet. However, other's have claimed good success rates when using their owl decoy's.

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As mentioned, keep on practising with the Primos caller, it's an excellent bit of kit. When blowing into it, try making a 'grrrr' sound the same time. This will create a more 'raspier' sound. Biting on the rubber tube will increase the pitch,and this can be used for calling in Jackdaw's.

As for the Owl decoy, I have a small owl decoy and also the european one. I have'nt had any luck with either of them yet. I've been told that hoisting the decoy into a tree, should help, but I have'nt tried that yet. However, other's have claimed good success rates when using their owl decoy's.


Yes I did read an earlier post you wrote on a different thread a few months ago. I bought the primos on your reccomendation.


As for the owl decoy, I agree its going to be tried and tested for results!"


Thanks for the help

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