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1 shot 2 foxes....


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We finally managed a night out last night after all this rain for a look at the foxes, we knew we had at least 3 moved in as they had been seen on shoot day so a trip out was overdue. We had the bonus of a new keeper next door and he was also keen to go out with us so we could cover that farm as well. After a drive round ours and not a sign we moved onto his ground and first field we had one way in the distance so turned the truck to have a call, but I said check the field behind just in case before calling and sure enough we had one there working the stubble so quick flip round and foxy was still there nice shot dropped on the spot and keen to warm up the keeper jumped down and went to look. after giving him a few minutes he hadn't sussed it so I let the dog out who went up the beam as though we've been using her on the lamp and much to his amusement hit the downed fox flat out no issues finding it at all. With that one in we had a further look and had a bit of a run round trying to get on one that didn't really want to know, I could have had a punt at it but it would have been 300 yards plus so chose not to risk educating it. Further drive round his ground and we stumbled upon a dead fox in a field by a footpath that had obviously been caught by ****** with dogs, tyre tracks round it etc we're being plagued by them this week they have been in twice which is an achievement as there are 3 farms and we thought everything was either ditched or gated. They cut their way out of our bit on Sunday night this fox had not been there that long and just heard they have been round again last night. Though this one was a dead dog fox we can only assume they are after deer this close to christmas so really need to find where they are coming in or hope they trip a trail cam well enough with a number plate. Wears a bit thin when you are plagued with lamp shy foxes and the deer never really get established as they end up poached.

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I know a keeper (passed away) who had a few problems with poachers back in the day. Ever seen that episode of star wars were them teddy bears crush them machines in the woods with a tree trunk suspended on a rope and it swings from the tree? He had one with a trip wire.

Fortunately nobody ever set it off

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well its moved on since the last bit, the gate got found that had had a lock cut and the keeper next door left it and was going to watch it last night. As he pulled in he saw a car that all the local shoots had been warned to look for parked up so managed to get hold of a load of the local keepers and they caught up with 4 ****** with catapults then it all got fun. They called the camp 4 armed response vehicles turned up the 4 spent last night inside and everyone else has been threatened nicely so we shall see what happens. Not the ones with dogs but hopefully they have the message and they won't be getting through that gate in a hurry

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