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no shooting saturday


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Just found out my shooting buddy has to work sat :0( cant go without him cos my gun is on his license...(if i had a license i would never be in the house and single lol) to add insulte we've got plenty of birds building on our rape, feeding all day then roosting in the nature reserve on top off the hill(no shooting) ,these birds aint going any were fast!!! ...... if any 1 fancies a day out on my permission with me let me know!!! Im in north hampshire by the way.... i cant promise the birds will play ball but hey its a day out,,

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Hi chaps...mr razzini i wasnt jokin when i said i wont ever be in the house if i had my own license... im terable im never at home...but saturdays r for shooting and MOTD so if my usall buddy is not about iv offered the day to some one else local... so mr pigeon if u pm me we can talk more


Edited by stiggy84arsenal
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How can you have permission without properly owning a gun? Does this mean when you go out with someone different then you have no gun to use etc? Surely applying for your own certificate would be the best way all round, This is not a dig at you I'm just curious as to why you have a gun but don't technically own it ?

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