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what caliber ?

Devon Fox

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advice needed, i currently own a brno 222, nice gun and i get on with it well, i would like to sort out my licence, i want to lose my rimmy,never use it, replace that with a fac auto 12g, and add a bigger rifle for occasional deer ..... what caliber would you go for and why?, also i would like to know the running costs of the guns you suggest!


would be nice to have something to take deer and fox ..... may even consider chopping in the 222, if i am switching the calibers of guns around, would i have to go through all the aggro of countersignature etc?

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243 would be the obvious choice for occasional deer. You are likely to get it cleared for foxes as well as deer (maybe even vermin) so you could even consider replacing your 222 with it.


The next step up for a occasional fox gun/regular deer gun would be 6.5x55 or 308 (unlikely to get 308 cleared for fox shooting as a seperate condition to deer stalking)

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If you buy a car that good for family use and for going to work you cant really expect it to perform well on the race track. No more can you expect one rifle to give adequate and convenient performance for two completely different spiecies.


A 24(6mm) or 25cal or even a 6.5 is/can be a dual purpose rifle but is always better suited to one species or the other dependant on the bullet weight used. If you start using two or more bullet weights in any one rifle you usually need to rezero and when you start to get into that scenario the fox or deer generally get bored and wander off.


Stick to a Deer rifle AND a Fox rifle. A 222 and a 308 would be my advice for your first combination.


By the way I have always found that whatever I want if I need to ask the price I cant really afford it. I may still decide to have it but usually something else suffers.

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It depends on what mix of fox and deer shooting you anticipate, and if you may have the chance at either during any one outing.


There's not a deer in the UK that won't fall to a properly placed .243 shot, and it's obviously more than enough for foxes. If you were mostly foxing but might have the occasional chance at a deer, my suggestion would be that you get a .243, zero it at 200 yards with 100 grain bullets, and you're good to go for everything with one rifle.


If you were anticipating a lot of deer stalking I'd stick with the .222 for fox and get another rifle for deer - lots of calibres to choose from, 6.5x55, 7mm-08, .308 would all be fine.

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What type of deer are the "occasional deer" ?


If it's Munty and/or Roe, then I would go for .243 to handle both, thats what I use.

This round is a fantastic all round caliber for fox and smalle deer species.


If it's Fallow/Red and Sika then I would follow the advice of mry716 and trixx.

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Thanks for the advice, sounds like a 243 is the way forward, its not the buying of the gun etc ... i just wanted a rough idea of the price of rounds?


i like the look of the tikka t3 lite synthetic, it will be mainly for fox and occasional roe, just going to price it up and ring the dc police for a varience forms .... do you have to go through all the forms the same as when first applying?, i have an open licence at the moment and really do not want to be restricted to where i shoot!


Does £593 sound a reasonable price for a new tikka t3 lite?

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Or even 40p a round if you use Prvi Partizan.


I have tried quite a lot of cals and find it excellent for field use - all cals shooting less than 1" groups in a variety of rifles plus the cases are super for reloading into the bargain. Don't listen to the folk who rubbish it - try it and make your own mind up - I bet you will be pleased you did.





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Or even 40p a round if you use Prvi Partizan.


I have tried quite a lot of cals and find it excellent for field use - all cals shooting less than 1" groups in a variety of rifles plus the cases are super for reloading into the bargain. Don't listen to the folk who rubbish it - try it and make your own mind up - I bet you will be pleased you did.






I've heard good things about it too - reminds me I must get hold of some!

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Do my eyes decieve me :good: £32 per 100 ?



Surely i must be dreaming? will try them, hope my store will order some in for me!


what scope would you chaps go for?,have about £250 budget for a set, would you buy on-line? (optics warehouse) i am going to buy a complete set up, i will apply for a mod, but not sure if i need/want one, i do shoot in a valley,but there has never been any complaints, will there be a big noise difference between the .222 and the .243 ?

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Hot Shot


If you mean the stainless one then the price seems about right. I bought the T3 lite in 6.5 with std. blue barrel in may this year for £500.00.


Optics Warehouse are good but if you buy the complete kit from the same place they may match prices.


One further thought. As you will be aware DEFRA are at the moment in the consultation process regarding updating the "deer laws". It is expected that they will change the rules to allow the shooting of the two smaller deer species with .22c/f. If they also were to follow Scotland and include roe, this may make a difference to your thoughts an caliber, 22.250 would then come into the equation.


Others on here will be more in touch with what is likely to happen, but it may just be worth while treading water for a while to see what happens.



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The .243 is more noiseier then a .222 and kicks a wee bit more aswell.

You have made a good choice for roe and occasinal fox, but if you are tempted to go for fallow, reds, ect from what i have witness, the 6.5 x 55 is a very good round. :good:


Good luck with your new rifle, let us know how you get on. :blush:




Hot Shot




One further thought. As you will be aware DEFRA are at the moment in the consultation process regarding updating the "deer laws". It is expected that they will change the rules to allow the shooting of the two smaller deer species with .22c/f. If they also were to follow Scotland and include roe, this may make a difference to your thoughts an caliber, 22.250 would then come into the equation.


Others on here will be more in touch with what is likely to happen, but it may just be worth while treading water for a while to see what happens.




Well said, this is worth keeping in mind. :blink:



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what scope would you chaps go for?,have about £250 budget for a set


Within that price range I'm partial to the Leupold Vari-X II, 3-9x40. 9x is useful for zeroing and for longer range foxing, 6x for general use. If you want a fixed scope I like the Leupold 6x42, for a bit more you could get a Schmidt and Bender - good quality scopes.


There are other good makes out there, of course, but I can recommend the ones I've mentioned from personal experience. You very much get what you pay for with optics, as I'm sure you know.

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