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Levergun charlie.


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When you get tired of lying down in the wet just so you can use your bi-pod. When you get tired of lugging 10lb of rig around and when you get tired of being expected to connect at hundreds of yards because of all the money you spent on the latest whizzbang flat shooting bug shooter and you want to get back to hunting and getting close get yourself one o' these.



Only pulling your leg, good shooting to you all.



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Refreshing to see an underlever used , what distance/circumstances of shot ?


I busted him (or he busted me)waiting for roosting pheasants returning to their roost late afternoon. He legged it and I headed him off. I was on a bank and knealed down with fore hand on my knee when he reapeared on the opposite bank. I waited for him to make a gap in the trees and shouted a loud Oih!

When he stopped I could only see his hips so placed the post just under and touched one off. It spun him so he was facing me and got a second round to rake him front to back. T'was about 75 yards.

After I went and got me a rabbit too.


Take no notice of the oak leaf, it actually nicked it's head, what I was aiming for at about 40yds.


Called a vixen in this morning in the frost first light, 50yd shot front to back.


Seen a third this afternoon, to far 250yds plus and it busted me!



Nice, I have a Marlin 44 Mag no chance whatsoever of getting it passed for vermin, targets at the club only unfortunately.


I would love to have a 44mag too.


I tried a lesser load today of a 180grn fmj and 5 1/2grns of Green dot, the slug went straight through a railway sleeper!



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