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Chamber Enlarging?

Fuji Shooter

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If it is possible re-proof would be requuired for longer shells and heavier loads. Cant see why not as I have A W.R.Pape with sleeved barrels and 2 3/4 chambers. As the gun is almost 100 years old it would have been 2 1/2 originally.



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It's quite easy work for a good smith but it will depend on the barrels is they enough metal for the higher proof etc. Ive seen it done on a few octagonal barreled poachers 410s when they go from black powder proof to nitro, but they have loads of metal.


My 410 patterns better with 2 1/2 cartridges than 3 inch long shot column and all that.

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It is possible, though it is probably not worth the bother and expense for the extra few grams of shot available in a 3" cart.


It will need to be reproofed, and before you make any decisions you need to speak to/show it to the gunsmith (who'll be doing the work) who can tell you if it is strong enough - it would be a shame to pay for the work and the proof and get a load of shrapnel back in a little bag!

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Thanks guys. I guess it would be easier to leave it as it is and if he wants to shoot a 3" buy him a new Silver Pigeon or similar.


Its a stunning old girl to be messed about with.


I'll ask the question when the gunsmith next calls around looking for Gold plated parts.

Edited by Freakmode
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