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Took a cpl of clients out with the hawks today.

Hawks had a cpl of good flights on rabbits and the hawks were flying well.

Popped the dog into a bramble patch and they flushed a Maran hen...ups-a-daisy.

No chance of stopping the hawks but should feed them for a day or two..... :blush:


Joking apart if any one has a Maran hen for sale localish to just south of Derby, drop me a PM as I would like to replaced it.


Edited by Actionpigeons
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An unavoidable hunting incident which can happen with any BOP that has been trained to take fur and feather!

Mine was a liability and had to be kept on the fist if there was poultry in the area as she would happily embarress me by nialing the first hen, duck or whatever that she got a chance of if I was allowing her to "follow on" as this photo shows when she spotted a big bronze turkey - Fortunately I managed to get her off it before she could do too much damage! It's not as if you can call a BOP off it's quarry like you can a dog.

Watching BOPs hunting is pure poetry in motion to me!


Edited by Frenchieboy
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