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what is the real difference between a cocker and a springer??.

Albert 888

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As above as I have been around many different dogs this season ie small medium and large springers and cockers. I would like to know what a pure bred springer and cocker look like and what is the difference as to me I cant really tell. Domed thin head long nose big ears and feet small medium or large and colouration. Photos would be great. I have two spinger that are also not alike.

Cheers Albert.

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When there are spanner men about who can tell one line of springer from another by looks it begs the question does it not? when show lines are so different from work lines? A cocker is basically smaller but not always, having been selectively bred that way from std springers?- other traits physical and mental exist but this also happens in lines of the same. I think cocker comes from woodcocker does it not? A shooting acquaintance has two springers that are registered that look just like liver and white cockers to me- no doubt there will be a few along to give the ethnicity argument but I don't care if they look like a cross bred coconut door mat and a half melted wellie as long as they do good in the field

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years ago when henry the 8th was a lad they were the same dog, they started breeding smaller with smaller to make the cocker , it gets its name as they bred it this small to flush woodcock from very thick cover , hence COCKER.

the springer was bred larger so it could solely be used to SPRING game hence the name springer.

i have a cocker and train and work him , but i am no expert, there are many on here can advise you further on different lines rytex etc.

i just read this many years ago in a spaniel history book and its something i am sure not everyone is aware of, i found it interesting anyway... :good:

Edited by delburt0
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All spanners arnt mad. must be down to dog and trainer. I own two and are completly different. Ok have a large and a medium springer,both have differnt head and body shapes the medium one has large feet shortish legs a deep chest course thick coat and a square head very good shaped head. The larger brown thing has a snipe snought barrel chest fluffy coat long legs and small feet. What is the difference between a spriger and a cocker. Kents seen them and they are springers and both work well for what i need them for. I only want to know the the difference in breeds and breeding.


next one has the liver colour come from a field spaniel and the black come from a collie.

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