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HW97KT or HW97K

Will 1994

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I have a 97kt .



And I have been very happy with it , it shot great straight from the box but I have since had it tuned which has made it incredible .

I have had a tx200 and much prefer the HW97 , have a look at what guns win the springer section of HFT shoots and it is almost always a HW97 , this should tell you which is the better gun.

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I have a 97k not thumbhole and find it great, always surprised by the accuracy, didn't get the thumbhole as not keen on thumbhole stocks, find if your hand isn't the right size they rub, someone suggested more weight in the stock assists with Springer recoil but I haven't noticed ne problem. I had a look at the tx but had a go with it and don't like the ratcjetty underlever, although this can probably be changed. Have a go with both nd see how u get on.

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Had the gun a few years now and think it cost around £450 at the time , around £500 now but they now do one in a synthetic stock which is cheaper.

The scope is just a cheap nikko sterling and is perfectly adequate for airgun ranges , I did get a decent one piece mount around £30 as scopes are more liable to move on a springer.

I have added a sling and swivels since that photo which was another £40 and had it tuned £75 , so a fair outlay but I am left with a gun for life if I so desire.

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