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Pub Fox

The Essex Hunter

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After walking one farm with only a fox legging it in to a wood it was quite obvious I should go home….on my way back a fox trots across the road from a large garden and on too a farm I can shoot!

I have seen it a few times hanging around the back of a pub that backs on to the farm but never a chance for a shot, with the wind crossing to my right there was a good chance it would want to wind me. So I called and on she came right in to the middle of the field…..a quick whistle and vixen with a belly full of future pheasant killers was no more…..













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i expected him to be at the pork scratching with a pint well done .. was you solo ??



I often go out on my own of late taking opportunities in the weather; it is a lot harder with out a lamp man but far better than sitting in watching the telly……

The biggest problem is the time difference in getting a shot off, I use the lamp to scan then put the rifle on the quad sticks. However I get my fair share of foxes, because if you are not out there then they not kept in check.

There were plenty of broods running around in the stubble last year which all ways is nice seeing them……






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I often go out on my own of late taking opportunities in the weather; it is a lot harder with out a lamp man but far better than sitting in watching the telly……

The biggest problem is the time difference in getting a shot off, I use the lamp to scan then put the rifle on the quad sticks. However I get my fair share of foxes, because if you are not out there then they not kept in check.

There were plenty of broods running around in the stubble last year which all ways is nice seeing them……


i do a lot of solo but i have a scope mounted lamp so im a one man band and of recent i have just got a new lamp and its the nuts. il post a pic tonight you can see the set up then its small light no wires no big batts just a torch with some mega power.





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