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Good silencer for s410?


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You will find it hard to find a Silencer that is better than a Logun.

I have 3 of them one on a Logun Solo .177 one on a Logun Solo .22 and one on a Logun Pro .22.

I have 4 other PCPs all with Silencers and none are as quite as the Loguns.

Hatsan AT44 10 W----BSA Superten bull barrel----Falcon FN19----Daystate Huntsman FTR with a whisper Silencer.

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I've never used the Logun, but I've been really impressed with the BSA VC silencer. I've got one on my Daystate Mk4is and once I've got rid of the frankly useless standard silencer on my S10 Carbine, I think I'll be getting another for that too. The other option is the HW Silencer. It's popular for a reason! I went for the VC because I couldn't tell the difference between the two of them and the VC was a tenner cheaper.

Edited by chrisjpainter
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Thats because Logun went out of business years ago.

So Logun Parts and Logun Silencers are getting hard to get hold of.

Its a crying shame that Logun closed down i have 3 Logun rifles and the hand built quality is outstanding.

My Logun Professional MK1 is has accurate as my Daystate Huntsman FTR Rifle and the action is so silky smooth.

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My s410 came with the air arms silencer and it was extremely quiet. But, being the sort of person who likes to tweak things, i went out and bought the HW100 silencer and fitted that to see if that made any difference. Honestly I cant tell the difference, both are as quiet to my ears. All I can hear when I pull the trigger is the hammer in the gun and then the wack of whatever the pellet hits.

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